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Monthly Archives: February 2010

Talk about deja vu (or a glitch in b matrix which is re-written)….

I have a cold.

Well the beginnings of one. It’s not as bad as this time last year, where by this point it was full blast and I was really bunged up to the hilt.  It’s really annoying, as tomorrow have a YMT audition. Why? AGAIN?!

Is it this time of year and my immune system? Is it just sheer bloody bad luck? Or is the man upstairs trying to give me a not so subtle hint.

Never mind. For all details on why colds are shit and annoying, just see last year’s blog, as posted in my last blog site:

Go see, and feel free to browse what rubbish I was churning out last year.

Love you lots narnians – keep bright swords =]

Emily xxx

PS – prizes in the form of sweets to the person who works out where “bright swords” quote comes from 🙂

<i> I’ve got ninety thousand pounds in my pyjamas.
I’ve got thirty thousand French francs in my fridge.
I’ve got lots of lovely lira now the deutch mark’s getting dearer
And my dollar bills could buy the Brooklyn Bridge.

There is nothing quite as wonderful as money.
There is nothing quite as beautiful as cash
Some people think it’s folly but I’d rather have the lolly
With money you can make a splash!

So says Monty Python anyway….

But yet again the stuff is rather in short supply in the household. I know its not exactly making itself available across the entire country right now, but it’s really getting a bit silly here.

Student finance = nightmare.

New car = no go.

Tall ships for birthday = never going to happen.

If money does technically grow on trees, why doesn’t any of it fall on me?